Entrepreneurial and Engaged University Canvas.
Tool description
The Entrepreneurial and Engaged University Canvas is a visualisation tool that provides a holistic overview of the key aspects of an entrepreneurial / engaged university. The Canvas is organised in 5 hives which represent the 5 dimensions of the ACEEU Entrepreneurial / Engaged University accreditation. Each dimension consists of 3 standards which guide discussions and analysis of the entrepreneurship / engagement profile of a university.
How to use it?
Optimally, the Entrepreneurial / Engaged University Cards are used in combination with the Entrepreneurial / Engaged University Canvas.
- Set your objective (e.g. current state of own university, future state of own university, competitor analysis, best practice analysis)
- Print the canvas (optimally in DIN A0 or A1)
- Plot the canvas on a wall
- Use the Entrepreneurial / Engaged University Cards to discuss each standard (order can be adapted to the specific situation)
- Use Post It notes and markers to document the discussion results
- After filling in the entire Canvas, discuss it as a whole to check for completeness and consistency
- End result: Visualisation of the entrepreneurship / engagement profile of the university under subject
Entrepreneurial University CanvasEngaged University Canvas